Sometimes when you plant seeds of one thing you get unexpected fruits.
We started our zero waste demonstration park to illustrate how a golf course could use its facilities to promote environmental awareness in the community it serves. We have been advocates of diverting green and food wastes from landfill as a matter of personal actions, that of home composting or worm binning, but there was no municipal compost system in place. But thing are changing.
Last week, I met with the management of our county wide waste management authority. He agreed to work his influence with the community waste hauling company to come up with a pilot program in which food wastes from participating summer festivals would be picked up and transported to the adjacent county where there is a state licensed composting operation. This is a breakthrough for our community.
First they'll develop a system for the festivals and events. Next, they'll provide pickup and hauling from restaurants and large food waste generators, like rest homes or schools. Next thing you know, we'll have community wide home pickup and hauling of food and green wastes.
It's interesting, isn't it? The golf course is proving to be a great place to promote environmental change. Policy makers are paying attention.