Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Zero Waste partners are coming together

Dairy Creek's zero waste park is running smoothly. We compost all the restaurant food wastes, grass clippings, cardboard and wood chips on a daily basis. We're brewing compost tea every week and testing the tea for optimal microbial population with Cal Poly University and the Soil Food Web Institute and with funding from USGA. We're teaming up with First Tee and our county waste management authority to apply for some grants to build a permanent demonstration facility to introduce school students to zero waste strategies for school and home. Oh, and while they're on site, we'll put clubs in their hands and give them some basic golf instruction.

See, we think we can grow the game of golf and payable rounds when we introduce children to the fun of the game. We believe the kids will come back to the course and bring a parent with them. We also believe that the best way to change the way we handle trash and wastes is to educate the next generation.

All in all, it's the local partnerships as well as support from the golf industry that really get our engines running. When so many good people and organizations are this eager to join the effort, that's got to be a good sign for the future of zero waste golf...don't you agree?

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